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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • SWT

    April 21st, 2013 - 6:08pm

    Along with the Daleks because sure they are the Doctors oldest enemy, but come on you have to have someone or something else be a greater match for the Doctor that could push him to his limits and make him go mad.

  • thommas

    April 21st, 2013 - 5:22pm

    The tardis ur answer is great but simmon urs is probily the best I hope that happens but I think they also introduce a new character like the doctors long lost brother or something

  • Fan of Who

    April 21st, 2013 - 3:00pm

    When will the doctors daughter return because I think she might be Clara?

  • Anony-mouse

    April 17th, 2013 - 8:27am

    Amy and Rory left.

  • Weep

    April 17th, 2013 - 8:23am

    Remade the first episode of Doctor Who with the Eleventh, River, Amy and Rory.
    = = = =
    First Susan Barbara Ian

  • freddie

    April 15th, 2013 - 8:16pm

    i would love it if they could bring back all the doctors and all the companions like romana sara Jane Joe grant and all the rest and bring the monsters of all time back the daleks and why don’t bring back the master come back and the 4 knocks oh and about the daleks why don’t include the daleks supreme council and bring back the old daleks like the ones from planet of the daleks and bring back the creator of the daleks davros himself and dalek cann because you could make a story and say that davros and dalek cann did an emergency temporal shift and bring back the cult of skaro and bring back the pig slaves

  • Nick

    April 10th, 2013 - 6:04pm

    It would be nice to see a return of jenny (the doctors clone daughter) and maybe if we could return to the doctors home world for a while.

  • SWT

    March 31st, 2013 - 11:29pm

    That would be the Master

  • frank e

    March 24th, 2013 - 6:13am

    Story should be an epic prequel showing us. the events Time war.A multi doctor adventure feat. Galifrey destruction, Paul Mcgann death with brief flash of Chris look since he’s being a d**k about coming back,the nightmare child, David and Matt of course and a few companions thrown in. Time lords have broken the 1st law of Time travel in dire situations. No dire than the last days of Galifrey.

  • Terry

    March 22nd, 2013 - 8:52pm

    The return of David Tenant and Rose Tyler in the Dr.Who series. Tenant was the best Dr. Who and Rose was wonderful as well.

    USA fan

  • Beee

    March 21st, 2013 - 5:11pm

    A few of the more recent doctors, Matt, David Christopher and maybe Paul should swap companions. So David is with Amy and Rory. Christopher is with Martha… Etc! That would be amazing!!!

  • Anony-mouse

    March 17th, 2013 - 6:20am

    Wait… Esterath?

  • SWT

    February 27th, 2013 - 3:09pm

    Maybe not but it would still be a good story line if the Doctor met his match against an enemy besides the Master.

  • Anony-mouse

    February 26th, 2013 - 7:22am

    That has nothing to do with Silence.

  • SWT

    February 26th, 2013 - 4:40am

    Speaking of Silence rember when in the Pandorica opens the Tardis spins out of control when River is flying it there is a voice from somewhere in the Tardis that goes “Silence will Fall”. This can be that force of Darkness that was trying to frame the Doctor for the cracks in the universe and explode the Tardis which would destroy all of reality leaving nothing but the cold and the dark.

  • Silence will fall when the question is asked

    February 20th, 2013 - 4:26pm

    I think Clara is the doctor’s daughter because so far she has lived 3 times including in the christmas special. She might of managed to stop her apperance from changing

  • Anony-mouse

    February 20th, 2013 - 8:15am

    Done and done.


    February 8th, 2013 - 4:33pm

    Moffat said that the doctor’s greatest secret,his real name is in jeopardy/danger being revealed soon,series finale or the 50th special

  • Margaret

    February 5th, 2013 - 11:11pm

    It would be cool to see David Tennant and Matt Smith in the same episode. I also think it would be cool if the Doctor discovers he has more regenerasions since River gave up hers.

  • SWT

    January 27th, 2013 - 8:03pm

    Honestly what I would want to see for the 50th anniversary or if there would be an epic regeneration like with David Tennant on the episode the End of Time, is that the Doctor goes up against the ultimate enemy that is an intelligent and powerful force of Darkness that has existed since before time began just like the Beast in the Impossible planet.
    So powerful in fact that even the Daleks fear it.
    Plus this force could be the one that created the Silence and the Weeping Angels, since no one knows where the Angels came from, which means that evrything that the Silence did in Season six in attempt to kill the Doctor and the one surving Angel that sent Amy and Rory back to the past for good can be by the design of the Darkness.
    Including events like in the End of Time, reality being destroyed in the Big Bang, helping Dalek Con take Davros out of the time war so he could build the reality bomb, the Doctor winding up at the end of the universe where he inadvertantly released the Master which caused everything else to happen for the rest of that season, helping the Daleks cross through the void which also allowed the Cybermen to pass through also in the Army of Ghosts, and when the Doctor somehow ended up on Satellite 5 which led him to the Daleks and a battle broke out.
    All of which could lead to the Doctor fighting the Darkness, which could somehow aquire a human host, in a battle of good vs evil.

  • Mads Pade

    January 26th, 2013 - 9:33pm

    This may just be a small thing but I would love it if the Doctor would once again wear Question marks on his suit like he did in the 80’s. It would a lovely thing to see and it’s probably one of my favorite things from the classic series.
    Would also love to see the return of the original Cybermen after a 26 year absence from tv screens.

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2013 - 9:11pm

    I think it doctor who would be ruined if too much happened at once because how can an absolute explosive few episodes be followed up without criticism? There would be so many continuity issues to think about & it could be an overload..
    However, there should be some amazing things that happen!
    1) David tennant should come back & if the rumours that matt smith is regenerating are true David tennant should come back somehow for a few years! It’d be a first for the doctor to literally go back in time!
    2) Rose Tyler should come back! I know she’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I loved her & it would be nice for her to be reuinted with the proper doctor & not fobbed off with the human one!
    3) it would be interesting if the master came back but as a nice person on the doctors side, timelords reunited! Haha..
    4) the woman hiding her face when gallifrey came back (possible the doctor’s mother) should be explained & if she is his mother they should make it clear
    5) capitain jack harkness should come back & find out his destiny to become the face of boe!
    6) the big evil in the show should be an old doctor (not tennant or eccleson though as they should come back good) because the doctor will be fighting himself, there should be like 2 teams of doctors against each other!
    7) finally, doctor who should be true to itself & just let us enjoy the twists & turns that it always has! It’s an amazing show & I hope to remember the 50th show when the 100th show is airing!
    P.S can David Tennant come back for the 100th anniversary too?!


    January 25th, 2013 - 12:58am

    This is my ideal story.

    1) First Doctor with Ian and Vicki
    2) Second Doctor with Jamie and Zoe
    3) Third Doctor with Jo Grant
    4) Fourth Doctor with Romana II
    5) Fifth Doctor with Tegan and Turlough (and maybe Nyssa)
    6) Sixth Doctor with Peri
    7) Seventh Doctor with Ace
    8) Eighth Doctor with a new companion (NOT Grace)
    9) Ninth Doctor with Rose
    10) Tenth Doctor with Donna
    11) Eleventh Doctor with Clara
    12) Appearances from Sarah Jane, Leela, Torchwood, K9, Amy, Rory, Martha, and Mickey would be appreciated. It would be hard for the first three doctors and sarah jane, because they’re dead. But maybe our new technology could “resurrect” them.

  • Liam

    January 22nd, 2013 - 7:04am

    And battie time lord

  • simmon

    January 7th, 2013 - 9:04pm

    Top Ten Things I’d like to see for the anniversary

    1,Multi Doctor Story including old companions from new and classic series.
    2,Bring back Galifrey and the Time Lords permanently.
    3,The Rani and her Tardis
    4,Somehow get Melody Pond back to Amy and Rory therefore River doesn’t become the River we known and therefore disappears from time and no longer is tied to being the Doctors Wife or has to die and be uploaded to the computer in the library.
    6,More alien worlds
    7,The Return of Susan(a regeneration) and Jenny,The Doctors family maybe they found each other and have come to help the Doctor.
    8,The first question answered at Trensalore but not to reveal too much about the Doctor.
    9,Why the Doctor stole the Tardis in the first place
    10,A regeneration of the master.

  • simmon

    January 7th, 2013 - 8:41pm

    I totally agree they shouldn’t reveal too much about the Doctor but maybe they could answer the question but the answer only reveals some connection between the Doctor and Rassilon that allows Rassilon to open the time lock on the time war, obviously the Doctor along with his other selves,past companions,the master and a few surprise guests manager to somehow win the time war allowing Galifrey and the Time lords to come back permanently.

  • Anonymous

    January 7th, 2013 - 12:35pm

    Yea I think that could work they could use silence in the library episode continuation. Donna and tennant’s doctor would be there along with River. The 11 doctor could return to save her and after he done realise that fixed points can be change and goes and save Clara in the exploding asylum. He could then save Rory and Amy this way past characters r back. The doctor is become obsessed now with changing things to suit him and torchwood have to u intervene and call upon old companions etc to get through to doctor and eventually things are reset to normally and the doctor is ashamed “fall of the eleventh” and mourning all the losses again tells Donna how to do the mind wipe in him as she is half timelord. This blank slate doctor could somehow tie to oswins “remember me” lines. Or it could be that oswin isn’t real and merely created by a broken doctor who is still in the tardis mourning Amy and Rory.

    Aaahh to many ideas now lol I have to stop time now lol

  • The TARDIS

    January 2nd, 2013 - 1:55pm

    One thing that I think should not happen for the 50th is answering the question. Doctor Who has been around for nearly 50 years, and if it were answered then there would be no point in continuing the series as all of the mystery and interest would have been destroyed. What would be the point in destroying 50 years of mystery just because the series’ head writer got too big headed.
    I think you can probably gather that I really don’t want any big story arc surrounding the anniversary story, just a fantastic stand-alone adventure.

  • Anony-mouse

    January 2nd, 2013 - 1:42am

    Oh, Moffat will definitely use his own monsters.

  • Anony-mouse

    December 28th, 2012 - 8:43am

    It could work.

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