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December 26th, 2014 51 comments

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Which is Your Favourite post 2005 Christmas Special?

We have now had 10 Christmas specials since 2005 featuring 3 different Doctors, David Tennant, Matt Smith and now Peter Capaldi – so which is your favourite?



  • The Werewolf

    March 16th, 2015 - 9:32pm

    The Christmas Invasion was the best Christmas special and it has never been beaten in my eyes.

  • The Fourth Doctor

    March 9th, 2015 - 11:04pm

    Oops that was me

  • The five doctors

    March 9th, 2015 - 11:03pm

    Voyage of the Dammned by far !!!

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

    January 10th, 2015 - 9:55pm

    I always thought that it was a shame that Christopher didn’t do a Christmas special

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

    January 10th, 2015 - 9:54pm

    If I had to choose a top 5 it would be:

    1. The Christmas invasion
    2. The Time of the Doctor
    3. The Voyage of the Damned
    4. Last Christmas
    5. The snowmen

  • Anomoynus

    January 6th, 2015 - 10:18pm

    My favourite Christmas specials were the time of the doctor and the doctor, the widow and the wardrobe. Last Christmas was ok. it was a bit confusing though at some parts.

  • Anomoynus

    January 6th, 2015 - 10:13pm

    I agree

  • drwhocollector

    January 1st, 2015 - 11:59am

    Last Christmas is easily my favourite, though it may take a off alien and inception a bit, it has the perfect balance of humour and darkness, which is needed for a Christmas special. The cast were great especially Nick Frost as Santa – I’d give this a well deserved 8/10!

  • docfan

    January 1st, 2015 - 11:22am

    i know

  • TheRedCreeperTRC

    December 31st, 2014 - 5:36pm

    I agree completely! The only thing that bugged me a little was when Astrid came back as stardust, that was a bit cheesy, but the rest of it was truly terrific. Fantastic special, and the greater significance of the it in the subsequent series’ plot (Wilfred) was very clever. Definitely my fav!

  • The Moffat Paradox

    December 31st, 2014 - 2:55pm

    I liked TOTD best as a Christmas Special as well.Why?Because I thought it sucessfully wrapped up the loose ends from Matt Smith’s time In the Tardis, gave what I think you want in a Christmas Special :a Christmas theme without being TOO Christmassy and provided a pretext for throwing in all the deadliest enemies in an epic drawn out battle.

    What’s not to like?

  • Doyouhearthem?

    December 30th, 2014 - 2:19pm

    I’m surprised that Time of the Doctor is only fourth; to me it is the ideal Christmas special in its explorations of hope, redemption and saviours, coupled with the emotional competence and superb performances. The End of Time seems an odd choice for favourite Christmas special…

  • GallifreyanKnight

    December 29th, 2014 - 12:45pm

    Stupid characters, stupid resolution, wasted cameo, breaks logic…

    Need I go on?

  • drwhofan4ever

    December 29th, 2014 - 12:35am

    Voyage of the damned is my fave Christmas special because it was fun and exciting and The characters were portrayed amazingly. They had so much depth and i was devastated when astrid died. Still think she should come back because of the relationship between her and the doctor. Mind you, the snowmen and the Christmas invasion are not too far behind

  • You Know I’m Right

    December 28th, 2014 - 11:29pm

    The Christmas Invasion – a bit simple, but a well structured and paced adventure that I found pleasingly unpredictable and entertaining = thumbs up.
    The Runaway Bride – a jumble of annoying characters, drawn out ideas, a cool villain who doesn’t do anything, pantomime acting, different ideas that don’t work together and a summer-y Christmas crowbarred into the mix = thumbs down.
    Voyage of the Damned – an odd little gem filled with really weird ideas placed together incredibly well using fantastic humour, slick direction, awesome production designs, OTT moments, deep characters, and a barmy climax which results in an episode that, although isn’t overly Christmassy on the surface, captures the spirit of the season perfectly = thumbs up.
    The Next Doctor – a solid plot with some decent moments, reasonable characters and a well utilised villain, the ending is the weakest part (all that Cyber-King rubbish) but the graveyard scene makes up for all of the mistakes of the episode = thumbs (just about) up.
    The End of Time – absolute fan-girl bait trash that doesn’t deserve my time, a diabolical dump RTD took on the show = thumbs down!
    A Christmas Carol – a festive treat that takes a great story and puts Doctor Who’s twist on it resulting in a fun, flipping fabulous hour of my favourite show. Not without mistakes mind you = thumbs up.
    The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe – a funny, perhaps overly Christmassy Christmas episode that delivers in thrills, twists, interesting plot developments and depth that I didn’t see coming. Also, bloody wooden king! = thumbs up.
    The Snowmen – a mixed bag of underused actors, illogical scenes, magical moments, creepy villains and odd production design/a wobbly Moffat episode = thumbs (again, just) up.
    The Time of the Doctor – a fast paced, very clever, pretty heartbreaking war story told in a fantastical way which showcases all the reasons why people loved Matt Smith. Also, bloody wooden cyberman! = thumbs up.
    Last Christmas – an episode which balances christmas, inception, alien, Clara’s development and Danny’s (final) goodbye through use of bland direction, majestic music, momentous moments and really joyous ideas = thumbs up.

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2014 - 10:11pm

    I HATED IT SO!!!!!!!!! MUCH!!!!!!!!


  • NM

    December 28th, 2014 - 8:46pm

    I thought it was a great special. Of course I liked the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.

  • PedroPete

    December 28th, 2014 - 8:26pm

    The Christmas Invasion

  • GallifreyanKnight

    December 28th, 2014 - 3:51pm

    Because it’s garbage. That’s why.

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2014 - 11:27am

    Clearly a minority view point. Most people enjoyed Last Christmas and as a lot if the Xmas specials have been poor esp End of Time, then that’s why its up there. Your opinion is not fact…its a minority opinion…nothing more.

  • 47

    December 28th, 2014 - 9:52am

    1 : The Next Doctor
    2 : End Of Time
    3 : Voyage Of The Damned
    4; The Snowmen

    I’m not sure if I’ve seen the Christmas Invasion, as I turned off during the Christopher Eccelstone era, and didn’t go back and ‘give it another go’ until David Tennant started his series’ proper.
    The Runaway Bride, I don’t remember, Last Christmas – I’ve commented on on the other link, and the rest you can put in a big ol’ bag and beat them with a stick as I thought they were a complete embarrassment to watch and summed up everything I disliked about Matt Smith’s era.

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