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February 21st, 2013 62 comments

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An Adventure in Space and Time – Filming Continues

An Adventure in Space and Time – Filming Continues

Original images via

Several interesting Pictures from the filming of An Adventure in Space and Time have appeared on-line including those of a fully reconstructed original Tardis set and the junk yard in Totter’s Lane.

This appears to show the filming of the original pilot episode

David Bradley (The Doctor), Jamie Glover (Ian), Jemma Powell (Barbara) and Claudia Grant as (Susan) are all in shot.

It also believed Nicholas Briggs, The voice of the Daleks since 2005 will be playing the role of Peter Hawkins.






  • Danielle

    April 8th, 2013 - 6:19pm

    Hiya 🙂 my dog bailey plays Williams dog stompy in an adventure of space and time was there for some scenes in the house and park was amazing ! Going to be brilliant David Bradley was a lovely man even asked to keep a picture of my Staffordshire bullterrier as they become very good pals between filming 🙂 looks to be a great production !!

  • time and relotive dimens

    April 3rd, 2013 - 6:28pm

    i somehow dont think the p cushing dalek room is going to return now

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