The Doctor Who Site Dalek Pages
We have just added several new pages to our already extensive Dalek section including pictures of where all those classic Daleks were in Asylum of The Daleks…
8 2 Sep 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Site Updates
We have just added several new pages to our already extensive Dalek section including pictures of where all those classic Daleks were in Asylum of The Daleks…
8 2 Sep 2012We have updated our popular Dalek Colour Scheme Creator which now includes 3 Dalek designs and extensive colouring options for you to create…
12 29 Feb 2012Do Something Funny For Money – Red Nose Day returns with a fun-packed night of comedy and entertainment to raise money for disadvantaged people…
13 5 Mar 2011Please donate to Marie Curie Cancer Care via Just Giving set up by a Who fan in the memory of Nicholas. The fund has past its original £3000 target…
0 2 Mar 2011We have now added an extensive Cybermen section to the site where you can find information on their time-line, weapons and much more….
21 12 Feb 2011The Doctor Who Site Dalek War: A new game with 10 levels, Navigate through the maze and destroy the enemy Daleks, choose your Dalek Colour and begin…
13 22 Jan 2011Although many of you will have already finished it we have added screenshots and information which will help you complete it should you get stuck…
20 12 Jul 2010Site up-dates: Screenshots from The lodger have been added to the series 5 gallery and This years story ark page on the crack updated…
13 11 Jun 2010New BBC Games trailer and to coincide with the full launch of City of the Daleks we have added a new games page with screenshots of each level…
84 4 Jun 2010A new dedicated Facebook page to coincide with our major merchandise section update which will go live next week with a new look and new features…
27 16 May 2010Victory of the Daleks Game: If you want to pass abit of time whilst waiting for Victor of The Daleks then the 5 level flash game is now online…
17 17 Apr 2010The universe is cracked, the Pandorica will open and silence will fall. Follow all the references in our dedicated page – And a new game coming soon..
25 10 Apr 2010Each month we will now be adding a summary covering all the main news, including merchandise…
2 1 Mar 2010Screenshots from The End of Time part two, the regeneration and series five have now been added to the gallery…
5 2 Jan 2010Check out our new pages on The Master with information and videos on each incarnation…
2 29 Dec 2009Over the last few days we have added new games, features and quizzes with today seeing a Dalek Bump ‘n’ Go game…
10 24 Dec 2009Help The Doctor with his Sonic screwdriver to de-activate Gadget Gadget and make it to the end…
1 18 Nov 2009The all new Sarah Jane Adventures Mr Smith Quiz returns along with a revamped features section…
2 20 Oct 2009