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May 31st, 2011 46 comments

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Doctor Who Radio Times Cover

Doctor Who Radio Times Cover

In this week’s Radio Times – on sale today – when asked if the Doctor will face his most dastardly opponents again, Steven Moffat says:

“Oh yes, the Daleks. Actually, they aren’t going to make an appearance for a while.” What? “Yes, we thought it was about time to give them a rest. There’s a problem with the Daleks.” How come? I thought they were invincible.

“They are the most famous of the Doctor’s adversaries and the most frequent,” explains Moffat. “Which means they are the most reliably defeatable enemies in the universe. They have been defeated by the Doctor about 400 times. Surely they should just see the Tardis approaching, say, ‘Oh. It’s him again’, and trudge away.”

You can visit the Radio Times extensive Doctor Who Section Here.

Image and quotes courtesy of Radio Times.



  • Seb

    July 5th, 2011 - 3:53pm

    Well it has been done many times before, and to be honest, I agree with him. I mean, back in ‘Dalek’ I was afraid of the Daleks, but now, they’re only good because of their clever plans. Giving them a rest is a good idea, as it means that when they return, it will be all the more awesome.

  • roo slitheen

    June 5th, 2011 - 6:41pm

    you were right on who river song is-the baby

  • roo slitheen

    June 5th, 2011 - 6:39pm

    how on earth could you give THE DALEKS a rest? this is mad!

  • harold saxon

    June 4th, 2011 - 11:52am

    it’s a pity they are putting it opposite BGT,that show overrules! Can’t imagine it’s gonna be straight forward amy,rory & baby travelling in tardis,seems too domestic,too normal! i’m sure there will be a shock twist somewhere!

  • Professor River Song

    June 4th, 2011 - 3:29am

    they’re not axing the daleks. It’s becoming a bit annoying every single series with the daleks.
    It’ll be a great story line for series 7 too.

  • Bunkbeds Are Cool

    June 3rd, 2011 - 10:08pm

    I don’t know if I want to know who River is – not yet anyway. I’m just not ready for a massive shock.

  • The Master

    June 3rd, 2011 - 9:59pm

    The Cast For A Good Man Goes To War Is…
    The Doctor-Matt Smith
    Amy Pond-Karen Gillan
    Roranicus Pondicus-Arthur Darvill
    River Song-Alex Kingston
    Madame Kovarian-Frances Barber
    Lorna Bucket-Christina Chong
    Lucas-Joshua Hayes
    Domicus-Damian Kell
    Fat One- Charlie Baker
    Thin One-Dan Johnston
    Colonel Manston-Danny Sapani
    Madame Vastra-Neve Mcintosh
    Jenny-Carin Stewart
    Captain Harcourt- Richard Trinder
    Elanor-Annabel Cleare
    Arthur- Henry Wood
    Commander Strax- Dan Starkley
    Dorium Maldovar-Simon Fisher-Becker
    Voice Of The Cybermen- Nicolas Briggs

  • Anonymous

    June 3rd, 2011 - 6:26pm

    But she wouldn’t necesarily if she can regenerate then it could be that Mary Tamm is not the first.

  • Bunkbed Are Cool

    June 3rd, 2011 - 11:15am

    That last comment was me – I’ve been meaning to chane my name for a while.

  • bowtie fez setson

    June 3rd, 2011 - 11:12am

    ‘Who’s the baby?’ It’s called ‘Melody’

  • crazy guy

    June 3rd, 2011 - 7:07am

    uh oh what should i do the doctor who finale clashes with britans got talent final!

  • doctorwhoforever

    June 2nd, 2011 - 5:54pm


  • louise pond

    June 2nd, 2011 - 3:05pm

    is amys baby jennifer lucus?

  • louise pond

    June 2nd, 2011 - 3:02pm

    i hink the baby is river song ?
    i think river song is romana 3?

  • booboo

    June 2nd, 2011 - 11:00am

    Yes we are, although not neglecting rather being very selective. Our visitor numbers are double this time last year and our severer package cannot handle any more traffic, its crashed after every episode this year and we are exceeding our bandwidth every month. We will be upgrading soon to a much more expensive package which will allow us to do much more in the future. The amount of info on the site is now huge (and will soon get a lot bigger) As i have said before for that reason we have decided for the time being to concentrate on merchandise and site features just for the moment as there are plenty of news sites now who all post the same thing. we simply cannot do everything at the moment and have to make choices but that will change as soon as we can

  • The Master

    June 2nd, 2011 - 10:44am

    That’s What I Have Thought, There Used To Be Alot Earlier On In The Series.

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