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August 4th, 2015 44 comments

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Doctor Who Series Nine Stunning New Image

Doctor Who returns to BBC One on Saturday, 19 September and this stunning new image gives us a sense of the action and adventure that series 9 will deliver.

It shows the world’s greatest heroes in explosive form, dashing from danger but – knowing those two – running headlong into more trouble!





  • Anonymous

    September 15th, 2015 - 4:55am

    I like it to although I’ve only been watching it a short time

  • Anonymous

    September 15th, 2015 - 4:52am

    I love all the looks but I particularly loved the bob terrant one!

  • weeping angel

    September 6th, 2015 - 3:13am

    i miss matt smith so much! but peater capaldi is really cool

  • 100,000BC

    August 27th, 2015 - 1:17pm

    I’ve been watching almost 10 and a half years, but I agree wholeheartedly with your statement.

    Although it’s only a minor complaint as we still have Big Finish and, for us ‘newbies’, a growing classic DVD collection of our own to keep us going.

  • thomas graham

    August 25th, 2015 - 5:13pm

    new doctor look different tardis this I missy say to clara a sword she is not comming back
    doctor tell to missy I she is funny missy and clara kiss I like new mosters on series nine
    and misssy get clara in jail she being nice to missst clara doctor I put clara i she kiss to missy
    steven moffat did you say it going new doctor who extra
    missy I dont like hir hair she has lips tick on and miorra her opera i this series 9 noise so
    I need matt smith all doctors back on series 9 I am going to kiss new doctor missy she is master doctor is face like poor danny gong to heven clara sleep her rest like lions

  • The Metal Lord

    August 25th, 2015 - 10:35am

    Wow you’re awesome!

  • david spencer

    August 20th, 2015 - 1:24am


  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:36am

    I firmly believe that a true doctor who fan would never come out with a negative comment about anything and just love Doctor Who, embrace every new regeneration and accept them into their hearts as if they have always been there and just everything they see.

    The people who come out with negative feed back do not have the right to call themselves a Whovian and should be ashamed of themselves.

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:33am

    Its a pair of checked trousers? why is everyone so obsessed with the outfit? it hardly gets noticed in the episodes yet people pick holes the moment they see it.

    Its really not important, its the guy inside the outfit that matters and Capaldi was born to play the Doctor

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:30am

    Well said Doctor Stu, new technology can only make Doctor Who better and more scary.

    Its hard to believe a monster covered in bubble wrap painted green can do you any harm but the modern monsters are very scary.

    Love it, and i am 44 so grew up with the old stuff, i support the new era

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:28am

    No wonder your name in anonymous with a comment like that, its a brilliant image

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:26am

    If you have too many trailers it near enough plays all the good stuff so there is nothing left to look forward too? no spoilers and be more patient for the series to start

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:24am

    I wish people would stop tearing the series to bits and just watch it for what it is, good entertainment. I have watched doctor who since the Jon Pertwee era and its great that its back and when it returned in 2005 it has just got better.

  • Capaldi Fan

    August 14th, 2015 - 11:22am

    Thats total rubbish, series 8 had an increse in viewing figures from the Matt Smith episodes, bringing in Capaldi has improved Doctor Who. I do wish people would get their facts straight before they slag of the programme.

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