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April 12th, 2010 71 comments

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The Eleventh Hour Final Ratings

The Eleventh Hour Final Ratings

The official BARB website has revealed that Matt Smiths Debut story, The Eleventh Hour has achieved a huge Final Rating of 10.08 million viewers ( including Hd ).

Overnight viewing figures showed that Matt Smith’s 2nd episode, The Beast Below was watched by 6.7m million viewers (including HD) with a 34% audience share.

Although at first glance the rating may look on the low side it was by far the most watched programme of the day beating it nearest rival by nearly a million viewers.

Full figures including those who recorded it and watched it within 7 days will be available form BARB in a couple of weeks time.

Source: Doctor Who News page



  • Doctor Who Star 100

    April 28th, 2011 - 6:24pm

    Matt Smith Rocks!!

    If people didn’t watch it because they were 2 busy debating who’s better david or Matt allow me 2 settle:

    Matt: younger, cute, crazy, funny, only got a girlfriend.

    David: older, cute, not as crazy, can be a bit serious, married.

  • harvey

    June 26th, 2010 - 4:10pm


  • Joe

    April 13th, 2010 - 5:40pm

    Not being mean/horrible here, but these new series fans who have only been watching since series 1 (2005) keep on making statements about how the tenth doctor was so good. he was one of the worst doctors in my opinion. the best doctor has to be Jon Pertwee. David Tennant was too sobby and emotional. Matts doctor is more “Back to the good old days” Hes kind of a mix between the 7th doctor and the 2nd doctor.

  • Mart

    April 13th, 2010 - 12:04pm

    Speaking of past episodes, I thought the one with the giant wasp was a bit poor.

    Anyway, I think The Beast Below was also poor. Repetitive dialogue – seemed like a pilot episode try to establish the doctor’s character. But it isn’t the first series; we already know he is very old, very kind and alone, and won’t interfere in alien affairs unless there is injustice.

    Also it seemed a bit disjointed, flitting between scenes and camera angles. And definitely written for the kids rather than the grown-ups. Like the first episode was. I’ll see if the third one is any better, then relegate Dr Who from ‘must see’ to ‘might see’.

  • Juddon PLatoon

    April 12th, 2010 - 9:32pm

    It is actully quite a good series
    Bring on Saturday

  • dalekship 101

    April 12th, 2010 - 6:28pm

    I watched it and it was very very very good !:)!

  • anthony

    April 12th, 2010 - 8:58am

    certainely no bad egg i believe… the only problem was the tempo. of the story…. a good story with i believe a doctor and companion that will find there feet..

  • here come the drums……

    April 12th, 2010 - 12:57am

    I liked the beast below. i can see why pepo didnt like it but i thought this story made amy understand the doctor alot better. the acting i thought was brilliant. and regards to bad eggs of the season i think that we should all wait til the end of the season and then decide what one was the bad egg

  • TC

    April 11th, 2010 - 11:47pm

    @ Andrew Hall:

    No worries. I freely admit there are some poor stories, as there’s always been in the history of the series. Every show deals with that, you can’t hit the high mark every time even if you want to. I’ve loved this show since childhood, and I can usually forgive it it’s foibles. It’s still early in the season though, so I prefer to reserve any major judgments til it’s over. I just want it to keep going for many more years. 🙂

  • The Great One

    April 11th, 2010 - 10:55pm

    I am really enjoying it so far and there were some great “Troughton” moments in there- wonderful.

  • pc

    April 11th, 2010 - 10:37pm

    Let’s give the series a chance ok people? come on many people moaned about David tennant when he took over but as we all know he was amazing in the role. on the whole i think things are shaping up quite nicely as Matt Smith seems to have taken a bit of the 2nd & 3rd doctors with a little of the hartnell doctor when he gets frustrated. All i will say is stay with it and give him time and be amazed!

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