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April 30th, 2011 234 comments

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What Did You Think Of Day of The Moon?

What Did You Think Of Day of The Moon?

Now that the second episode of Series 6 has aired, what did you think of Day of The Moon? Cast your vote on this and previous episodes in the panel below.

A couple of pictures that pose some very big questions…

Just who is this….

and… now she is

and now she isn’t…




    April 30th, 2011 - 8:51pm

    no they dont pat to John peter to colin are examples

  • HeartOfTheTardis

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:49pm

    Why was it rivers and the doctors last kiss? Was River like years older than the River in the last episodes in season 5? So does the 1008 year old doctor still die or not?

  • The Adventure Games

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:44pm

    HOLY COW! This was a VERY good ep. The Little Girl is very creepy. It is likely she has something to do with all the stuff like The Silence, The Astronaut. VERY MIND BOGOLING INDEED!

  • Anthony Harding

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:43pm

    Also, did anyone else notice the little girl had strangely large hands?

  • Anthony Harding

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:42pm

    Makes Sense to me. Susan OR The Rani. Both Possible.

  • lungbarrowlover

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:21pm

    I think Susan is back! I hope susan is back!

  • harold saxon

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:15pm

    REMEMBER in doctor who expect the unexpected!

  • simon w

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:13pm

    sorry was ment for the comment above this one

  • simon w

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:11pm

    if u remember in silence in the library she tells the others that he hasnot meet her yet its to early in his own timestream.

  • harold saxon

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:05pm

    Stunning and full of riddles and indeed some clues!that ending got me surprised!Wondrful,hopefully litle girl will be revealed as of the timelord race!

  • dr daddy cool 67

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:03pm

    As I mentioned last week on the comment thread for the impossible astronaut……..riversong is very possibly amy’s daughter grown up…..

  • AlphaOmega

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:02pm

    First Question after this episode: WHAT?!

  • AlphaOmega

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:01pm

    Not exactly. The Doctor’s been older AND younger before.

  • benjiboodleoo

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:54pm

    Quite true! but what to think?

  • DoctorWho2011

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:54pm

    You Are Total Wrong There Guys She Is Not A Timelord Coz Back In The Impossble Astornart The NASA Guy Who Was The Little Girl Shot The Doctor He Then Started To Regenrate So The NASA Guy Shot Him Again So That Mean She Must Of Stoled Some Regenration Off Him So She Can Live


    April 30th, 2011 - 7:54pm

    BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!!!

  • castrovalian

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:54pm

    but time lords get younger as they go through regenerations ?

  • hellosweetie

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:43pm

    My fav episode has to be Blink, brilliant!

  • suzanne

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:39pm

    I’ve just had a read up on this – seems like it could be the case that the girl is Rani as she is a female timelord who was banished from Galiffrey.

  • hellosweetie

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:37pm

    liked the episode but found it a tad confusing.
    Just know that little clues will be scattered through all the episodes until the finale climax,it makes for an intresting and ,hopefully,gripping viewing.

  • booboo

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:36pm

    I agree, so unexpected

  • benjiboodleoo

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:34pm

    The last seen was one of the best maybe the best Doctor Who seen ever!!!!!!! No doubt about it!!!!

  • benjiboodleoo

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:32pm

    Stephen Moffat’s list to do:
    – What’s the spaceship doing there
    -Who’s the girl?
    -Who’s River?
    I’d so laugh after all that he forgets or it turns out to be until next series!
    no that wouldn’t be funny that would be really distressing.

  • Callum Metcalfe

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:30pm

    As some people have said it was their favourite episode ever. What do you think are the top 10 episodes of all time?

  • suzanne

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:27pm

    Episode was fantasitc!! I like the theory that River is Amys daughter and the little girl – not quite sure how it would all work, its all very confusing, but it is Doctor Who after all!!

  • who crazy!

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:25pm

    So much of a good episode. Not a waist of 45 minutes at all! All praise Steven Moffat!

  • Aron

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:24pm

    The regenerating girl could be The Rani, a Female timelord who didn’t die in the original series.

  • mason

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:17pm

    the girl might be amys daughter and river song herself because the doctor is living rivers past and river is living the doctors future

  • The Pod

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:12pm

    She seemed so surprised he didn’t remember things

  • doctorwhoforever

    April 30th, 2011 - 7:12pm

    Apparently the woman in the eye patch will keep apearing. The woman in the window as seen by Amy. It said this on BBC Doctor Who: The Official Site.

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