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December 25th, 2015 99 comments

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What Did You Think of The Husbands of River Song ?

Now that the 2015 Christmas Special The Husbands of River Song has aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected….

It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy.

King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out of control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time.



  • starshipalaska

    December 26th, 2015 - 11:17am

    Great episode, but it bugs me that Moffatt is so lazy with continuity. He forgets references he made in his own episodes!
    Like the Daleks forgetting the Doctor in Asylum of the Daleks and then its as if it never happened in their subsequent meetings.
    Or the way that in this episode River had a picture of the War Doctor even though he’s meant to be uber-secret.
    Or even the fact that she had pictures of the previous Doctors, which would imply meeting a few of them (in fact we know that she meets 8 in Big Finish) so why is it such a big deal when she meets 10 in Silence in the Library and she complains about how “he hasn’t met her yet” and she’s been waiting for this day.
    In fact, in The Impossible Astronaut she told Rory that she and the Doctor were travelling in reverse directions but if you look at the episodes since that one came out it hasn’t turned out like that really, only vaguely at some points.
    In Forest of the Dead she said that the Doctor ‘showed up on her doorstep’ with a new haircut and a suit and took her to see Darillium. Didn’t quite turn out like that. So why did she say it that way? Its those kind of details that irritate me because Moffat is really clever but if he’s going to attempt complex stories he should be careful to join the dots as he’s written them.
    I say again, loved the episode!

  • doctor no more

    December 26th, 2015 - 11:09am

    better than last year,just,only because alex was back to tell her possibly final story.sadly all of the chemistry that she had with matt’s doctor is dead and buried when matt left and it hasn’t made it through to capaldi’s doctor.moffet could have done so much with this episode but probably to busy thinking about Sherlock!.cant believe the same cheap set was used again from face to raven ! rubbish !.not the worst special of all time but not very good.another star liner crash? is this the third now in xmas specials? bring back murray gold the music isn’t working either.

  • Simon W

    December 26th, 2015 - 11:00am

    I agree with you Haley. I am a big fan of the Doctor and will watch it till my dyeing day It was a lighter tone episode than last years I loved it

  • MC

    December 26th, 2015 - 10:35am

    No I really meant Rejuvenate, it’s a psychic slip from Regenerate!

  • 47

    December 26th, 2015 - 10:13am

    “___________” Oh dear, what can I say ? Dreadful. Crass, tasteless, boring and so forth and so on. Why did they even bother to serve up this drivel ? What an opportunity the Christmas Special is to do Doctor Who at its’ best, instead we get this……oh well, I won’t lose any sleep over it, and at least it was better than the usual embarrassment of the majority of Moffat era specials…..but that aint saying much 1/10. Poor.

  • Haley

    December 26th, 2015 - 4:22am

    Well the actor does matter. But what I’m saying is that the Doctor is the Doctor and he is one man

  • Haley

    December 26th, 2015 - 4:21am

    U mean REGENERATE? The Doctor is the doctor, the actor doesnt matter. If you were a true fan you would love the doctor no matter what. I’m not a huge fan of Capaldi but I still admire him for working so hard to keep this show alive and living his childhood dream.

  • Malcolm Cook

    December 26th, 2015 - 3:32am

    Time for Capaldi to go!
    I don’t even want to watch Dr Who anymore!
    This was a Christmas Special! What was special about it? Nothing
    The feel good factor has gone, I don’t really care if Dr Who dies anymore!
    Rejuvenate or Die!
    The actual episode was average at best, but Capaldi is like a Killjoy!
    Obviously I may seem biased, but I have tried, but refuse to watch anymore, Matt Smith reruns are the only thing in my future, unless surgery is done and done quick!

  • Alex Who?

    December 26th, 2015 - 3:26am

    A lighter tone than last year’s Last Christmas but at the same time sad and bitter-sweet.

    I enjoyed it and I hope everyone else did too!

  • Doctor Stu

    December 26th, 2015 - 12:56am

    Steven moffatt keeps saying he’s always inviting Davies back to write an episode but he keeps refusing

  • Anonymous

    December 26th, 2015 - 12:05am

    The feels were abundant but I really miss Clara
    He can’t remember her which means he doesn’t even miss her

  • The Film Guy

    December 25th, 2015 - 11:49pm

    Got to be honest I really enjoyed it. It was a bit silly in places but it made for an all round light hearted Christmas episode, whilst still having a good story at heart. But no all in all it was really good in my opinion

  • The Living Shadow

    December 25th, 2015 - 11:39pm

    No. Going back would be stupid. Matt was amazing but his story as the Doctor is over. Capaldi is wonderful as the Doctor! I wish people would stop dwelling on their nostalgia and realise that Doctor Who isn’t going downhill.

  • Simon W

    December 25th, 2015 - 10:56pm

    I think Russell T Davis should come back and do a couple of stories.

  • princebenjibella

    December 25th, 2015 - 10:39pm

    Here Here. With every episode Moffat seems to be picking apart the legacy of Doctor Who. He spends so much time contriving ridiculous story arcs, he has forgotten that it is meant to be fun,scary and exciting. If he stays, i honestly think Doctor Who is in trouble,AGAIN.

  • The Livin’ Shadow

    December 25th, 2015 - 9:44pm

    It’s only a Christmas episode, they’re always not to be taken too seriously!

  • Simon

    December 25th, 2015 - 9:38pm

    Its a shame they didnt disguise the street from face the raven a bit better. They just slapped on fake snow and hoped we wouldnt notice. Even my 3 year old son noticed by saying that where clara died daddy! Apart from that i really enjoyed it.

  • A

    December 25th, 2015 - 9:34pm

    Fave Christmas episode ever. A bit silly in places but that’s fine. Desparately sad in others. The Doctor spent most of the time being disgruntled by River’s behaviour only to discover she thought the relationship rather one sided. I guess emo 11th didn’t convince her but it seems reserved Doctor 12 may have.
    The familiar “hello sweetie” & “spoilers” were well used I thought. And I just knew the referance to a new hair cut & suit at the singing towers was about a new regeneration.
    All in all a great end to the story of River Song. While carefully done retro stories with past Doctors are always possible (Big Finish, novels, etc), I don’t think there should be any future appearances on screen (except maybe flashbacks) as she only found out about the Doctor’s new regenerations on the last (24 year) night before the Library. G’bye to River, Alex Kingston and a great & convoluted timeline.
    Now then, how long ’til the start of series 10?

  • Chris

    December 25th, 2015 - 9:13pm

    Where is the doctor who energy gone from all the episodes? No gripping music. Silly sonic specs. The doctor has been lost the question is who did it? Reverse the doctor’s regeneration and run back through to Matt Smith.

  • ThemadDalek

    December 25th, 2015 - 8:40pm

    Please, please, please Mr Moffat……
    Resign and give someone else to write the series, like a talented writer that cares
    about DW…
    This may be the last of DW i ‘ll see if this is the sort of silly nonsense that passes for entertainment

  • Thewhoman

    December 25th, 2015 - 7:48pm

    HEAD IN THE BAG NOW. I wish i had a bag to put my head in! Hated it!

  • The Living Shadow

    December 25th, 2015 - 7:41pm

    What a fun and sweet episode! I really enjoyed it!

  • Anonymous

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:57pm

    Best Christmas episode ever! What was there not to like? It was brilliant, loved the ending of River Song.

  • the astronaut of death

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:55pm

    you never know. With both Doctor Who and Steven Moffat anything can happen.

  • Simon W

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:48pm

    So is this the last we will see of River Song in Dr Who? or not?

  • 12th Doctor Fan

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:42pm

    Loved Peter, ok plot,

  • The super whovian

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:42pm

    I thought this episode was really good. The characters were interesting and the story was crazy but entertaining. The episode was a bit ridicules but ridicules in a good way so it a fun story which was not too silly. The scene were the man split his face in half was very disturbing (especially after eating a slice of cake) the idea of the market was a good idea. The ending was a little cheesy but it wouldn’t be Christmas if the episode didn’t have a happy ending and the doctor and river have a good happy ending.

    So I thought this episode was a fun Christmas special and I think it will be remembered as “that decent fun Christmas episode” or “the one were a robot took peoples heads”

  • WFK DVD Collector 15

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:20pm

    The best part of the episode was when the Doctor gave River her Sonic Screwdriver. Overall, the rest was slightly below average, but better then last year.

    Also, Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you all had a wonderful day! 🙂

  • Michael

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:18pm

    Very good episode, Fantastic episode.

  • ianzygon

    December 25th, 2015 - 6:17pm

    Nice to see river again a ok special bit silly. But it s christmas.

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