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May 21st, 2011 58 comments

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What Did You Think Of The Rebel Flesh?

What Did You Think Of The Rebel Flesh?

Now that the fifth episode of Series 6 has aired, What Did You Think Of The Rebel Flesh? Cast your vote on this and previous episodes in the panels below.



  • Ihategangers

    January 3rd, 2018 - 12:43am

    Same I remember watching it when I was younger I made my mum sleep in the same room as me because I was so terrified

  • Scott’s TARDIS

    September 8th, 2013 - 7:40pm

    Nope, you didn’t know it. It was the Teselecta Doctor!

  • Dalekdude

    May 28th, 2011 - 6:32pm

    god… the rebel flesh WAS scary. i never find doctor who monsters scary, but i couldnt sleep the night after i watched it

  • Dalekdude

    May 28th, 2011 - 6:29pm

    yeah, cause the sontarens are a clone race and their appearing in episode 7

  • doctorwhoforever

    May 26th, 2011 - 8:14pm

    The secret message on the BBC website for this episode is “message interrupted”.

  • iloveyoumattsmithandjustinbieber

    May 24th, 2011 - 7:07pm

    there vains are so creepy…….

  • Tomo

    May 23rd, 2011 - 8:44pm

    it does look like the green gloop that they clone martha in in Series 4

  • Tomo

    May 23rd, 2011 - 8:41pm

    Agreed. And lol at the middle aged woman ruining it all! 😀

  • CombatingBoredom (formally IWasBored!)

    May 23rd, 2011 - 8:13pm

    They would never be able to replace the Doctor with a ganger! It would never work!

    Great episode, and deliberately confusing.

    “Trust me, I’m the Doctor…”

  • Anonymous

    May 23rd, 2011 - 7:58pm

    It Is Just A Joke,

  • king gerbil

    May 23rd, 2011 - 4:46pm

    This one constantly reminded me of the hungry earth/cold blood:
    The 2nd 2 parter
    A remote place with only 5 people there, fighting a race of people who have a genuine claim to earth,who are adamant they are not monsters
    Just when there looks to be a ray of hope a stupid middle aged woman comes along and
    ruins everythng by electrocuting one of the “we are not monsters” people.
    Apart from that a pretty good episode.

  • clr

    May 23rd, 2011 - 11:20am

    ‘I have to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose! Never thought I’d get to say that again’

  • clr

    May 23rd, 2011 - 11:00am

    Can anyone tell me what the ‘Cockerel’ ref was about please.. Doctor said, ‘I thought i’d never have to say that again’??????? Cheers

  • Fox Mulder

    May 23rd, 2011 - 4:08am

    The Helmet was big enough for a big sontarans head


    May 22nd, 2011 - 9:20pm

    Do you know that thought came into my head too and the acid suit helmet and shoulders did look very sontaranish

  • Nigel M

    May 22nd, 2011 - 7:46pm

    The Doctor said in this episode that the flesh was “early technology” but when Amy questioned him he wouldn’t answer. Perhaps the flesh is how the Sontarans clone themselves only they use it on a planetary scale if I remember previous episodes ?

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 5:47pm

    Clones + Kidnapping = SONTARANS

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 5:46pm

    I love episode 3 it was amazing the ending was awesome on awesome scale of awesomeness

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 5:37pm

    Finally some agrees, this season is all about laying “traps” for the good doctor

  • doctor 24/7

    May 22nd, 2011 - 11:33am

    i only think the 1st two and the doctors wife were good

  • gary

    May 22nd, 2011 - 10:43am

    every episode in this series so far has been great with the exception of curse of the black spot which was pretty average.

  • cyberspace

    May 22nd, 2011 - 10:01am

    i agree not enough going on and the gangers could have been so much better

  • Black TARDIS

    May 22nd, 2011 - 9:03am

    Well, watch Dr Who Confidential (Double Trouble) and it will tell you that there were many

  • Doug

    May 22nd, 2011 - 8:08am

    Pretty much my exact thoughts too. 8/10.

  • The Master

    May 22nd, 2011 - 7:05am

    well it’s possible, cos the sontarans are a clone race and the flesh in this is a sort of cloning thing so it is possible that the sontarans are trying to manipulate things for the doctor

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 4:04am

    “A hero to many”

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 3:06am

    So far my fave eps from season 6 are The Day of the Moon,The curse of the Blackspot and The rebel Flesh. the episodes I don’t like are The Impossible Astronaut (it was still necessary to have this ep) and The Doctors Wife, it’s great season overall

  • Fox Mulder

    May 22nd, 2011 - 3:02am

    The Gangers are gonna come get you in the middle of the night HAHA LOL

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