The Angels Take Manhattan UK/USA Next Time Trailers
The Doctor’s heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York’s statues come to life around them…
89 22 Sep 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Featured
The Doctor’s heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York’s statues come to life around them…
89 22 Sep 2012The Angels Take Manhattan Brand New Promotional images, With Rory’s life in danger, the Doctor and Amy must locate him before it’s too late!
79 22 Sep 2012More Brand New The Power of Three Images, Saturday 22 September 7:30pm – 8:15pm The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth…
40 21 Sep 2012There’s a mystery to be solved, so who is involved? Saturday 22 September Invasion of the Very Small Cubes – Doctor Who: ‘The Power of Three’ teaser clip…
33 21 Sep 2012More Brand New The Power of Three Images – Saturday 22 September 7:30pm – 8:15pm. The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely…
57 18 Sep 2012Brand New The Power of Three Promotional Images – With the international community at a loss, it’s left to the Doctor to unearth who is behind…
37 16 Sep 2012The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes arrive overnight, almost like presents falling from the sky….
78 15 Sep 2012What did you Think of Dinosaurs On A Spaceship – The second episode of series 7a has aired so what did you think?, was it the best episode ever…
134 11 Sep 2012What did you Think of Asylum of The Daleks – The first episode of series 7a has finally aired so what did you think, was it the best episode ever or just…
441 11 Sep 2012Doctor Who A Town Called Mercy New promotional Images – The Doctor gets a Stetson (and a gun!), and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western…
28 11 Sep 2012The BBC Have released a large number of Brand New Promotional images from Dinosaurs On A Spaceship. An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain…
50 4 Sep 2012Asylum of the Daleks Prequel (Pay View) .The Doctor receives a message from a mysterious hooded stranger – a woman called Darla Von Karlsen wants to meet him….
37 3 Sep 2012So we’ve now seen the episode Asylum Dalek of The Daleks -but what about all of those the classic Daleks? where did they come from – Here is the story behind one of them…
48 1 Sep 2012The Doctor finally arrives at the Ponds House. But where are they? Watch Asylum of the Daleks, the new Doctor Who adventure, on BBC One on Saturday…
66 31 Aug 2012In the new issue of Radio Times, on sale from today, we have interviews with Karen Gillan, Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill, plus an episode guide by Steven Moffat…
84 28 Aug 2012