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September 11th, 2012 441 comments

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What did you Think of Asylum of The Daleks?

What did you Think of Asylum of The Daleks

The first episode of series 7a has finally aired so what did you think?, was it the best episode ever or just average. Vote below.

Matt Smith returns as the oldest time-traveller in the universe. The Time Lord, Amy and Rory are kidnapped by their oldest foe the Daleks and forced on a seemingly impossible mission – to enter the Asylum, a planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of the deadly aliens’ kind.

From the official site…

Steven Moffat, Head Writer and Executive Producer, thanked fans and the press for keeping the secret:

β€œI hope you all got a nice surprise when Jenna popped up in Doctor Who several months early. If so, that surprise came to you courtesy of the frankly magnificent ladies and gentlemen of the press, and of the many Doctor Who forums and blogs too. This show has been seen at four separate screenings, across four different countries and yet not one person gave one spoiler. From all of us on Doctor Who, a heartfelt thank you for helping us tell our story.”

Images below courtesy of BBC Pictures



  • Dalek The Supreme

    March 7th, 2013 - 1:50pm

    The bronze Daleks are the drones of the New Paradigm, in all likelyhood, the Paradigm are exactly the same power, only they have special casings to show they’re higher ranking, like Classic Dalek leaders had black or gold to mark their supremacy

  • Eamon Longmann

    September 26th, 2012 - 9:09am

    Aslyum of the Daleks was brilliant sadly the bucket full of plot-holes and the absence of classic daleks and the divorce between Amy and Rory let the episode down alot!
    Starting off on the good side i’ll list the best things in the episode:
    Opening Titles
    Matt Smith’s acting
    Karen Gillian’s acting
    Arthur Darvill’s acting
    Jenna-louise coleman’s acting
    Steven Moffat’s writing
    Nick Hurran’s directing
    Murray Gold’s Music
    Ben Foster’s composing
    Nicolas Briggs’ voice acting
    need i say more?
    now a list of plot-holes:
    Daleks not destroying such hatred
    Daleks have a sence of beauty but no sence of elegance
    oswin’s voice and carmen when she was a dalek for the whole time
    dalek are scared to go into the asylum but the doctor states scared isn’t dalek
    so Moffat’s writing made the episode enjoyable to watch but not completely canon with the series – also wasn’t Skaro destroyed in the Remembrance of the Daleks at the Hand of Omega?

    overall i rate the episode 9.5/10 for good writing but the thing that let it down was the huge plot-holes the divorce thing and the absence of classic daleks.

  • The Man who stole the TARDIS from Galifrey

    September 16th, 2012 - 10:16pm

    The pint is, getting rid of the Doctor from the Daleks memory banks has just destroyed amazing stories from the past going all the way back to the 1960’s. They have murdered one of the best things about dr who. πŸ™

  • Mr Evil Fez

    September 14th, 2012 - 6:55pm

    Well, its the last time lord in The Time War and the Daleks hate him.

  • That Cyborg over there

    September 14th, 2012 - 5:52pm

    How? I think the Daleks forgetting the Doctor is a nice, refreshing idea. It’d make future Dalek stories very interesting. πŸ˜›

  • Mr Evil Fez

    September 14th, 2012 - 5:31pm

    I just watched this on I player, and it was better this time. The fact of Clara being a Dalek is really sad. But letting The Daleks forget the Doctor got rid of something that’s been going for 49 years is silly.

  • TimeLordess

    September 8th, 2012 - 10:34pm

    I thought it was a great way to start a season. Oswin was a cool character and the fact that she was a Dalek blew my mind. the half Dalek half Human droids make me wish they were real.

  • Anonymous

    September 8th, 2012 - 5:07pm

    No Dalek Strategist, they were meant to be from the classic stories.

    What’s funny is before Steven Moffat, I thought we were just supposed to ignore the fact that the Dalek props had changed, and just pretend they were always bronze lol. But I for some reason picture the Bronze Daleks in classics such as the Invasion of Earth and the Planet of the Daleks. I think it’s cuz they are the only little action figures I have.


    September 8th, 2012 - 10:12am

    there wasnt enough good dialogue and evilness. the daleks in the asylum didnt actually do much. it lacked the dalek touch. before i couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but that was it.

  • Dalek Strategist

    September 7th, 2012 - 3:31am

    I blame the Dalek haters who kept raging about the new design. If it was me, all the bronze would’ve been Progenitor Drones, all the Drones in the story replaced with Strategists, and the Strategist in the Parliament with an Eternal. Also, the Daleks initially encountered in the Asylum would be bronze and Renegades(And the SW Dalek), and the Daleks from Kembel, Vulcan, Spiridon, etc., would’ve been 60’s and 70’s Daleks

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    September 6th, 2012 - 7:22am

    Rushed no, just a total lack of classic Daleks really, no ‘Daleks Invasion of Earth’ version which I assume would probably be more or less in height with the Paradigm Daleks, not even a silver and black from ‘Death to the Daleks’ or a good old Necros or Imperial Dalek [except the Special Weapons Gunner Dalek off course] was featured.

    The Dalek Prime Minister said that “It is offensive to us to destroy such divine hatred”.

    In this case for us Doctor Who fan’s “It is offensive to us to be lied to by Steven Moffat about claiming to show every single Dalek form that has never been seen and yet disappointing so many fan’s of Doctor Who but clearly not showing every single Dalek form that has ever been seen”.

    Ive an idea – let’s send a Dalek Execution Squad after Steven Moffat, Russell T. Davies can lead them against him πŸ˜€

  • Dalek Strategist

    September 6th, 2012 - 4:43am

    Also, I might have worked out why most of the classic Daleks weren’t moving! Their casings may have corroded on the inside, or have been shot by other insane Daleks, same with the Paradigm ones in there. Also, I think the brone Daleks in the Intensive Care were Daleks from battles in the Time War that involved the Doctor.

  • Dalek Strategist

    September 6th, 2012 - 4:37am

    I think I see why Moffat had the Daleks lose their memories of the Doctor! Number 1 – To make the Daleks more threatening. Their fear of the Doctor detracted from their overall scariness. 2 – To allow the Daleks a rest. That way, if they don’t remember him, they won’t be tracking him down or whatever.

  • Anonymous

    September 5th, 2012 - 11:05pm

    Does somebody knows how they all heard Oswin real voice until they got to the padded room? The Dr. Said they changed her completely!??

  • Anonymous

    September 5th, 2012 - 11:04pm

    It was so amazing!!! I love This AMAzing show!! Very happy!! πŸ™‚


    September 5th, 2012 - 9:03pm

    did you think it was rushed and massivly let down by lack of the classic daleks ??

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    September 5th, 2012 - 8:15pm

    Agreed πŸ˜‰

    To quote Commander Lytton in 1984’s ‘Resurrection of the Daleks’ –

    “That was a shambles” πŸ˜€

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    September 5th, 2012 - 8:13pm

    Just had a look. Reminds of Jon Pertwee’s logo when it turned green in his original opening sequance starting with ‘Spearhead from Space’.

  • Hellbelly

    September 5th, 2012 - 7:47pm

    The Nanocloud only turned organic life into Dalek “Puppets” (like Harvey and the other dead Alaska crew).
    Oswin wasn’t converted by the Nanocloud but by the Daleks in the Asylum (presumably in a similar way to how Davros converts humans into Daleks in “Revelation of the Daleks).

  • the astronaut of death

    September 5th, 2012 - 7:42pm

    guys i think each for each eoisode the doctor who tltile will be themed

    in alylum of the daleks the title is dalek themed with the spears

    and dinisours on a spaceship the title will be like a green ,it is on the offical website


    September 5th, 2012 - 7:26pm

    if im honest…it was a massive disapointment! i thought it was awful!

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