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February 20th, 2013 70 comments

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Gallifrey One 2013 Steven Moffat interview

Gallifrey One 2013 – Steven Moffat interview

Interview with Steven Moffat, conducted exclusively for the Gallifrey 2013 convention in Los Angeles, where it was screened on Sunday 17 February….



  • Eamon UltimateCliffhanger

    March 10th, 2013 - 1:22am

    Recasting the Doctor’s would be hard but i had to do it i’d pick:
    1: William Hartnell – David Bradley
    2: Patrick Troughton – Daniel Radcliffe
    3: Jon Pertwee – Ian McKellen
    4: Tom Baker – Benedict Cumberbatch
    5: Peter Davison – Rupert Graves
    6: Colin Baker – Rupert Grint
    7: Sylvester McCoy – Mark Sheppard
    8: Paul McGann
    9: Christopher Eccelston
    10: David Tennant
    11: Matt Smith

    Luckly i’ve actually meet Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann and Mark Sheppard and soon going to meet Peter and Colin!

  • xylok emperor

    March 1st, 2013 - 4:28am

    series 7B episode 1 title comfirmed as “the bells of St Johns” and a new teaser image for series 7B has been released aswell.


    February 27th, 2013 - 8:12am

    Cheers Sabatron 🙂

  • Sebatron

    February 26th, 2013 - 11:02am

    Wow you are right!


    February 25th, 2013 - 8:29pm

    Cheers Anonymous 😉

    Anonymous is quite right, after all, look at the various Doctor Who fan’s who produce those Doctor Who Action Figure Adventures on YouTube, has the BBC ever tried to stop children from producing their own Doctor Who stories using action figures ? . . . . absolutely NOT . . . . cos they don’t care, so they won’t care if your son is writing his own fan fiction.

    Fan fiction is a part of life for many Sci-Fi fan’s. Deviant Art for example features all kinds of fan fiction if you look it up.

    If anything, I’d say it’s best for your son to continue to create his own Doctor Who stories, so that when his older, and maybe ends up working on Doctor Who in the future, then he can look back at the stories his writing now for inspiration for stories that might some day end up on screen 🙂

  • Anonymous

    February 25th, 2013 - 7:24pm

    Writers like RTD ans Stevan Moffat started out like that. If your worried about copyright don’t be as DOCTOR WHO ONE said its just harmless fun as long as he does not profet or sell those storys the BBC don’t care. Sadley there are reall good fan scripts sent into the BBC but there never looked at


    February 25th, 2013 - 4:24pm

    Seems to me that his writing up harmless fantasy stories about having adventures with the Doctor, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

    For all we know, your son might grow up to be a famous writer, writing Doctor Who novels one day 😉

  • Anonymous

    February 25th, 2013 - 4:12pm

    Did you know that will hartnel pitched an idea for the production team called the son of dr who which was about the doctors son but he was evil. The idea was scrapted

  • Mike Coller

    February 25th, 2013 - 3:43pm

    My son spends 24/7 writing about Dr Who, namely a Dr Who Jnr, son of Dr Who as he explains it, weiting stories about what he could get up to, any idea’s on how i can explain to him that he can’t write stories on Dr Who Jnr as Dr Who or anything to do with Dr Who is c/w protected.


    February 25th, 2013 - 8:32am

    I don’t know if anyone will agree with me about this, but Ive come across an American actor when I was looking at the London MCM Expo website called Raphael Sbarge who looks like he could play Peter Davison’s 5th Doctor for an 11 Doctors story IF it was to happen. Look up on Google –

    Raphael Sbarge Once Upon a Time

    And then check out the picture of him wearing glasses and holding an umbrella. He does sort of look like the 5th Doctor wearing his glasses in my opinion.

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