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Below are all the posts in the news archive

Steven Moffat Article in Radio Times

Radio Times: Steven Moffat describes how he wrote the Christmas special holed in a hotel room in LA during the volcanic ash cloud earlier this year…

14 5 Dec 2010

A Christmas Carol Full Press Release

The BBC press office have issued a full press release on this years Christmas special. You can see information and interviews from the cast and crew..

12 2 Dec 2010

Doctor Who Radio Times Cover

This weeks Radio Times, on sale from Thursday 2nd December features a Doctor Who cover and exclusive article on this years Doctor Who special…

18 2 Dec 2010

K9 Starts Saturday December 18th

The K9 series UK Terrestrial Début will start on Channel Five on Saturday December 18th at 10.00am. Five will show the first 13 episodes in order…

18 1 Dec 2010

The Cybermen Storm London

A group of Cybermen command the steps in front of St Paul’s Cathedral in London to celebrate the launch of the Doctor Who Experience…

21 24 Nov 2010

Sarah Jane Adventures series 4 Polls

The Sarah Jane Adventures Poll – Vote for your overall favourite episode from this series and the Mr Smith quiz with all episodes now included…

28 16 Nov 2010

Radio Times Online Companion Poll

Radio Times conducted an online poll to name the best Who companion ever – but was it Billie Piper’s Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, K9 or another?..

21 16 Nov 2010

K9 Cinematographers Society Awards

The new K9 series has won two awards at the Australian Cinematographers Society. Director of Photography – Tony O’ Loughlan won the awards …

5 15 Nov 2010

Title of Christmas Special Revealed!

You can enjoy a preview of the Christmas Special during Children in Need on Friday, but the title of the episode has been revealed today…

36 12 Nov 2010

Unbroadcast Delia Derbyshire Interview

BBC Inside Out will feature a previously unbroadcast interview with the late Delia Derbyshire – the woman who created the iconic Doctor Who theme tune…

5 12 Nov 2010

Matt Smith / Karen Gillan HMV signing

A new video from HMV featuring the Doctor Who theme tune with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan signing the series 5 DVD at Oxford Street London 2010…

7 12 Nov 2010

