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October 2nd, 2013 124 comments

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Radio Times-Newly Found Episodes Released Soon

Doctor Who: newly discovered lost episodes to be released for sale this week

Make of this what you will…

Recently recovered missing Patrick Troughton episodes will be made available digitally later this week, can reveal

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  • Nick

    October 8th, 2013 - 2:22pm

    Too right it does! Can’t speak for everyone, but I for one have already bought all of the official CDs of the missing eps as well as Lost In Time and the rest of the DVDs. Not to mention buying all the novelisations the BBC doubtless made some money from. I will definitely be buying any further discoveries on DVD in the hopes of completing a collection I’d assumed could never be completed….but I’m not happy about paying top dollar to download and subsequently buying the DVDs as well. If I’m going to have to buy these same stories two more times, they had better be offering me Web Of Fear or Evil Of The Daleks as downloads as opposed to The Massacre or The Myth Makers!

  • HornsOfAzal

    October 8th, 2013 - 2:21pm

    Sorry Nick but Im not keen on any of em … I was quite suprised when the Macra resurfaced in Gridlock… but in those stories.. a human giving birth to kittens ?? Also the Doctor dropping in on a ‘nude’ couple’ (Davies trying to play the controversy card ?)the Doctor somehow imprisoning someone in neutron star chains or trapping ’em in every mirror you see and the sentimentatlity – tate and lyle could have canned it and sold it….the same for that overrated Blink episode with its stupid timey wimey bits …talk about dumbing down….

  • booboo

    October 8th, 2013 - 2:20pm

    True but it wont stop people

  • HornsOfAzal

    October 8th, 2013 - 2:16pm

    Does that sound as bizarre to you as it does to me…..

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