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June 24th, 2017 100 comments

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Series 10 Episode 11 World Enough And Time Sat 24th June 6:45pm.

Written by Steven Moffat and directed by Rachel Talalay.

Friendship drives the Doctor into the rashest decision of his life. Trapped on a giant spaceship, caught in the event horizon of a black hole, he witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect. Is there any way he can redeem his mistake? Are events already out of control?

For once, time is the Time Lord’s enemy…

The Doctor is played by Peter Capaldi, Bill by Pearl Mackie and Nardole by Matt Lucas. Michelle Gomez guest stars as Missy and John Simm guest stars as The Master.



  • Techruyc

    July 1st, 2017 - 9:05pm

    Thought it was ok, not brilliant. A typical finale to multi-part stories of recent years, flat. Best thing about it finally the end of the Moffat era, shudder!

  • Hector Sandler

    June 30th, 2017 - 11:06am

    I won’t be surprise if the new Doctor will be woman. Like Peter Davidson said he should remain as a man.

  • Anonymous

    June 26th, 2017 - 6:00pm

    Literally its been years now. Get over this obsession that Missy isn’t The Master

  • T4RD1S

    June 26th, 2017 - 1:50am

    I think Missy might not be the Master. When I re-watched episodes with the Master, he was this evil and psychopathic but clever man who hated the Doctor and perhaps was even envious. With Missy, she is quite bonkers and evil but she’s quite friendly towards the Doctor compared to other Masters. She could be the Master’s wife, and she was being used to lure the Doctor into a trap.

  • Tim M

    June 24th, 2017 - 6:51pm

    Perhaps at some point they could bring back Derek Jacobi’s Master. He is coming back to audio, so how about tv as well.

  • r1ch1e

    June 24th, 2017 - 6:23pm

    Let’s have Bryan Cranston! He plays pure evil well and knows how to rock a beard!!

  • Tim M

    June 24th, 2017 - 5:26pm

    Maybe we should be considering who plays the next Master, as well as next Doctor.

  • Anonymous

    June 24th, 2017 - 3:02pm

    Literally few comments down i said that xo

  • Tim M

    June 24th, 2017 - 1:25pm

    With Michelle Gomez leaving Doctor Who, perhaps John Simm should return and remain as the Master.

  • Desmond

    June 24th, 2017 - 9:08am

    No one can serve 2 masters, either you will hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to one and despise the other

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