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April 23rd, 2016 112 comments

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Pearl Mackie to be New Companion

Pearl Mackie has been named as the new Doctor Who companion alongside Peter Capaldi’s Time Lord in the Tardis.

The Londoner’s role was announced on BBC One during half time of the FA Cup semi-final match between Everton and Manchester United.

Mackie replaces Jenna Coleman, whose character Clara Oswald left the show in 2015.

Filming for the next series of the long-running science fiction show will start this year but air in 2017.

Mackie, who graduated from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in 2010, is currently performing in the National Theatre’s West End production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time.






  • Fiona Ting

    July 20th, 2016 - 5:30pm

    I think she is very good companion for 12th Doctor Who

  • Andrius

    June 16th, 2016 - 8:00am

    I was expecting to get my hands on the DVD of that episode all a box set

  • The Living Shadow

    June 14th, 2016 - 8:08pm

    Why are people saying that she’s going to be called Bill? You can clearly see that it says “asBill” at the end of the scene. Either that or the BBC are having a bit of a ‘spag’ malfunction… Nonetheless, I’m looking forward to seeing Asbill join the Tardis

  • Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey Stuff

    June 14th, 2016 - 8:37am

    Was that the psychic paper the Doctor looked at at 1 minute 35 seconds?

  • Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey Stuff

    June 14th, 2016 - 8:34am

    It might be short for Billie, Phil.

  • will

    May 28th, 2016 - 3:29pm

    Amy and rose were the best. The Titanic girl and Martha not bad. Clara and Donna annoying and made the doctor look weak. The show should have been named clara/donna and a guy. That is what the doctor was like with them. A nobody.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 26th, 2016 - 10:58pm

    And has now been seemingly exterminated by the judges and voting public tonight.

    “I CANNOT DIE !”
    “I CANNOT DIE !”

  • C21

    May 25th, 2016 - 5:31pm

    80s or 90s. That’s what i thought too.

  • Phil

    May 22nd, 2016 - 5:09pm

    Love everything about her except the nickname Bill. Whats up with a chick having a dudes name?

  • Button

    May 21st, 2016 - 11:55pm

    Personally having a companion that doesn’t gel with the doctor is an interesting dynamic, to me she feels like a little inquisitive five year old asking for the meaning of everything in front of her eyes. And in terms of Maturity, surely Clara ranks as the mature one.

    To me clara was an interesting companion, there was a lot about her that showed a young, yet independent character. However the decisions made around her character and making her so important to the doctor was a little bit much for me. She acts as a moral compass to the 11th when he is about to destroy Gallifrey, She enters the doctors time stream and saves him multiple times and she is the one who inspires him to run away from Gallifrey in the first place.

    With all of the things that she has done it would have made sense for her to be someone of close importance to the doctor, like a regeneration of his granddaughter or one of his lost children. But instead she is this human that comes a little to close to the doctors life and is then killed off without a real solid conclusion to her story arc. Clara is one of my favourites, but I just feel they dragged her story on with no real meaning.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 21st, 2016 - 10:30pm

    LOL. Davros has just been put through to the semi finals of Britain’s Got Talent 2016 !

    All praise Davros!
    All praise Davros!

  • Floyd_of_Tim

    May 12th, 2016 - 4:13pm

    I dunno what everyone’s smoking…but get some shiznit….I saw the clip….she PALES in comparison to Clara and it’s sad…I’m such a DW fan and yet this girl who is stupidly being called BIll just to be blatantly different is truly DULL and boring and unless something awesome happens I actually may not watch this next season….I loved Martha…so this is not some racist American thing..But my favorite companions were Donna and Clara…they both come in first b/c they both were the best for the Doctors they were with at the time….I was hoping a more mature person would be the next Peter Capaldi’s Doctor companion…not someone who looks like she belongs on America’s Next Top Model…Sigh, it saddens me.

  • otto toon

    May 9th, 2016 - 10:51am

    In my opinion, i dont know how “Davros” got through. The act was terrible. Almost like it hadnt been rehearsed and he just thought “ill make something up on the spot”


    May 8th, 2016 - 10:49pm

    Yep just put Britain’s Got Talent 2016 in YouTube for Saturday May 7th and its under “The Deep Space Deviants”.

    I think he’s up against it with the Star Wars “Boogie Storm” Storm troopers though that Simon Cowell’s gave the golden buzzer to unless his creations EXTERMINATE THEM!

  • The Living Shadow

    May 8th, 2016 - 9:18pm


  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 8th, 2016 - 3:10pm

    LOL. Davros has auditioned for Britian’s Got Talent and got through!

    All praise Davros!
    All praise Davros!

  • Cman1O1Dalek

    May 3rd, 2016 - 9:04pm

    oh my god you lazes you should not even reuse shots from into the Dalek you lazes

  • 12th Doctor Fan

    May 2nd, 2016 - 4:27pm

    Please not river again for christmas special.

  • mick181

    May 1st, 2016 - 2:52am

    It’s really Billy Piper who has mysteriously regenerated.

  • Frankie

    April 29th, 2016 - 9:22pm

    She’s honestly like ace and this is how many episodes
    14/15 episodes

  • Skeadugenga

    April 29th, 2016 - 1:42pm

    Agree, I’m underwhelmed. I’m fed up with just female companions. At least, thank God, they’re not romancing the Doctor any more but surely with the CGi we have now we could have a companion alien – even if he/she/it is in human form most of the time. And if we also need an everyman to identify with then get in a younger version of Bernard Cribbins. We could have a crossover and get Martin Freeman to do it.

  • DannyTheNerd

    April 28th, 2016 - 10:15am

    Hasn’t been said. I’d imagine not until series 10, but may be wrong

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