Companion Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield) Dies Aged 69
She played Victoria Waterfield alongside the Second Doctor and Frazer Hines between 1967 to 1968…
35 21 Jul 2017Below are all the posts in the news archive
She played Victoria Waterfield alongside the Second Doctor and Frazer Hines between 1967 to 1968…
35 21 Jul 2017We are delighted to announce our first piece of casting for the forthcoming film, K9: TimeQuake.
18 19 Jul 2017Jodie Whittaker Announced As The 13th Doctor…
1,093 16 Jul 201713th Doctor to be Announced Sunday After Mens Final…
135 14 Jul 2017The cliff-hanger ending saw the Doctor fatally shot by a Mondasian Cyberman and begin to regenerate…
144 1 Jul 2017Now that the Final episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for
136 1 Jul 2017Now that we have seen all 12 episodes from series 10 which were your 3 favourites?…
38 1 Jul 2017Series 10 Episode 12 Saturday 1 July The Doctor Falls…
148 24 Jun 2017Now that the Eleventh episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for …
127 24 Jun 2017Friendship drives the Doctor into the rashest decision of his life. Trapped on a giant spaceship, caught in the event horizon of a black hole….
100 24 Jun 2017Now that the Tenth episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.
74 17 Jun 2017The Doctor Who Experience is to mark the attraction’s closure with a whole summer jam-packed…
14 14 Jun 2017A long time ago, the ninth legion of the Roman army vanished into the mists of Scotland. Bill…
19 10 Jun 2017Now that the Ninth episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything…
89 10 Jun 2017The Doctor, Bill and Nardole arrive on Mars, and find themselves in an impossible conflict between Ice Warriors…
50 3 Jun 2017Now that the Eighth episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped…
100 3 Jun 2017The world is gripped by a mass delusion and only Bill Potts can see the truth. When even the Doctor is fighting…
40 27 May 2017Now that the seventh episode of series 10 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for…
63 27 May 2017